parshat Ki Tisa

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no creditFalling Grades
Rabbi Sharabi saw his students cheating on A Gemarah test and threw the tests on the floor. Was that permitted?
  • Who Counts in Judaism?
    The Parsha begins with Hashem’s command to conduct a census of Bnei Yisrael. Why is the command given here?
  • Mystical Worlds
    Why is the word for a 'thing' in Hebrew - 'davar' - from the same root as the word for 'speech' - 'dibbur? As solid as 'things' seem, they are no more than God 'speaking' them - keeping them in existence by His word.
  • אתר ישיבה.JPG
    Stiff Necked
    Isn't Stiff Necked a Physical Condition? A small video with an idea from our weekly Parsha.
  • “I Shall Dwell in the Midst of Bnei Yisrael” – part I
    When we pray for the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash, we are in essence praying for the Divine Presence to dwell once again among us, especially in the Holy Temple.
  • How Leaders Fail
    Leaders can fail for two kinds of reason. The first is external. The time may not be right. The second kind of failure is internal. A leader can simply lack the courage to lead.
  • Then the Tabernacle, Now the Land
    discussing the campaign found in Ki Tisa for the building materials to construct the Tabernacle and Sanctuary, and tells how we can participate in like construction today.
  • Courage and Commitment
    Why didn’t Hashem just announce the whole total of the nation? Why did Moshe have to go around to the tents at all?
  • Mordechai Hidden in the Ktoret
    the name of the hero of the Purim story, Mordechai, is alluded to in our Parsha which describes the spices that constitute the incense offering in the tabernacle and temple.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר